Tag: MFC Member

NEWS #MFC2017: Thank you for 20 years together!

#MFC2017: Thank you for 20 years together!

[divider] Over 457 practitioners, donors, investors and other microfinance industry stakeholders from 41 countries attended the 2017 MFC Annual Conference, Horizon 2037: Fair Fi

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NEWS Welcome to our new members: ACAF, Erste Group Bank, Maritza Invest & USTOI!

Welcome to our new members: ACAF, Erste Group Bank, Maritza Invest & USTOI!

[divider] ACAF (Spain), the Self-Funded Communities Association, is a non-profit organization founded in 2004 and based in Barcelona. The organization focuses on the creation and

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NEWS #BWC2017 Join us! Borrow Wisely Campaign

#BWC2017 Join us! Borrow Wisely Campaign

[divider] In October 2017, the MFC and leading financial institutions from across the ECA region will launch the fourth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign. Our aim? To radically im

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EU Microfinance Call for nominations for 2017 Financial Inclusion Ambassador Award

Call for nominations for 2017 Financial Inclusion Ambassador Award

[divider] [divider]   MFC is launching the third edition of the Ambassador Award for the MFC members and partners’ advocacy efforts towards financial inclusion. Sh

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NEWS FINCA Bank Kyrgyzstan wins the first MFC Innovation Award!

FINCA Bank Kyrgyzstan wins the first MFC Innovation Award!

[divider] [divider] We are thrilled to announce the winner of our first ever Innovation Award: FINCA Bank Kyrgyzstan. FINCA Bank will be awarded free Digital Field Application

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NEWS MFC Members Recognized for Financial Inclusion Work

MFC Members Recognized for Financial Inclusion Work

[divider] [divider]     [divider]   Financial inclusion is high on the European Union agenda, and we support our members to become effective

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NEWS Software Group empowers the microfinance sector through technology

Software Group empowers the microfinance sector through technology

[divider] Software Group (SG) specializes in end-to-end solutions for the microfinance sector, focusing particularly on microfinance institutions, cooperatives and credit union

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NEWS The KMF Financial Education project in Kazakhstan reached 76,000 people!

The KMF Financial Education project in Kazakhstan reached 76,000 people!

[divider]   In order to increase the level of financial education of the population in Kazakhstan, KazMicrofinance (KMF*), with the support of its parent company KMF F

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