#2017EMD: Learn more & get involved!

Read the Press Release!


As part of its mission, MFC & EMN, in cooperation with the members of both networks, will hold the 3rd European Microfinance Day on 20th October 2017 all across Europe.

Main objectives of the European Microfinance Day

  • To raise awareness among European citizens on the existence of microfinance and on its value to fight unemployment and social exclusion.
  • To draw the attention of European media on how microfinance works in Europe and how it supports and helps the unemployed and European citizens excluded from the traditional financial sector.
  • To exchange experiences within the European microfinance sector by giving visibility to the work of MFC & EMN members.
  • To allow local members to draw the spotlight on their achievements and their missions at local level.


Learn more our members’ local actions!

With the support of

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With financial support from

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