Leaders in Digital Era

#LiDE is a series of webinars that aim at equipping leaders in microfinance institutions with the necessary skills and understanding of tools to effectively lead a team in digital world.  

The idea was developed based on lessons learnt from the Digital Literacy Bootcamp  devoted to digital transformation in microfinance. 

Digitalize or die – offering services online is no longer an alternative for MFIs; it is the way as people all over the world change their preferences towards any type of brand and sector. However, today’s leaders must manage not only an organization that undergoes a digital transformation.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic boosted the fact that more and more employees work remotely. They have been suddenly forced to deal with work challenges in a time of volatility, anxiety, fast changing circumstances and many uncontrolled risks. Thus, the leaders manage people that live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous). They manage virtual teams that often consist of three generations (X, Y, Z) with varying skills and attitudes.

This requires leaders to make sure they improve skills like emotional intelligence, managing generational differences, and building an organizational culture that embraces fast changing consumers’ preferences and fashion, driven by accelerating technology.

The webinars help microfinance leaders in building the always winning team, by:  

[Track 1] Leadership in digital eraleadership skills and agile mindset for digital transformation 

[Track 2] Digital teams: managing, motivating, monitoring and communicating with teams working from home

[Track 3] Talent digital development: online recruitment and training 


We are coming back with new webinars in Autumn. For now, check out the 2021 recordings below.


Track 1: Leaders in Digital Era

Track 2: Digital Teams

Track 3: Talent Digital Development

Information about project

Project partners and sponsors:

This initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi. The information contained in this communication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.

Project status: active

Project duration: 2020 – 2021

Project regional focus: ECA

Project Objectives:

The webinars series Leaders in Digital Era aims at equipping leaders in microfinance institutions with the necessary skills and understanding of tools to effectively lead a team in digital world.

 Key Activities:

Leaders in Digital Era is organized in a format of series of webinars featuring key topics delivered by experts in identified key areas of leadership, soft skills and managing teams in digital world.