Digtal Literacy Bootcamp
Being present online is a must for microfinance institutions. However, a big question is how to do it effectively to ensure an institution’s visibility to the customers they want to attract?
The #DigLit Bootcamp aims at building strong foundation for digital transformation processes in MFIs by targeting basic skills, knowledge and capabilities related to digitalisation among MFI staff and management.The topics covered include choosing right on-line channels for client acquisition, making smart investments into digital marketing, developing content marketing, working with credit scoring for digital lending and much more. Our experts are high profile executives, international consultants, and successful practitioners in digitalisation.
Key Activities
#DigLit Bootcamp is organized in a format of series of webinars featuring key topics delivered by experts in identified key areas. Some of the webinars will feature practical microfinance case studies from the regional MFIs to demonstrate how the basic concept can be translated into specific digital solutions.
Project Sponsors
This event is financed by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020. For further information: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi
Project Details
Project description / background
The digitalisation of the MFC members has started. MFC undertakes steps to support members in this process: the Digital Literacy Bootcamp provides the opportunity to acquire understanding of digitalisation trends, tools, success factors and basic capabilities needed to drive the innovation.
Project status: active
Project duration: 2019 – 2020
Project regional focus: ECA
Project Objectives
The #DigLit Bootcamp aims at building strong foundation for digital transformation processes in MFIs by targeting basic skills, knowledge and capabilities related to digitalisation among MFI staff and management.
Key Activities
#DigLit Bootcamp is organized in a format of series of webinars featuring key topics delivered by experts in identified key areas. Some of the webinars will feature practical microfinance case studies from the regional MFIs to demonstrate how the basic concept can be translated into specific digital solutions.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.