EU Microfinance Join the EaSI Technical Assistance Webinar: What can microfinance learn from the EU crowdfunding? 

Join the EaSI Technical Assistance Webinar: What can microfinance learn from the EU crowdfunding? 

22 April 2022

IntroductionExplore how can the experience of the EU crowdfunding platforms be adapted by microfinance practitioners to expand their outreach to micro and social

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EU Microfinance Webinar on Innovation in BDS for farmers – ABA center and FED Invest case study 

Webinar on Innovation in BDS for farmers – ABA center and FED Invest case study 

6 April 2022

IntroductionSharing the experience of the partnership of FED Invest, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)-supported Project on Financial Inclusion of Albanian Smallholders

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EU Microfinance Microfinance in Motion: Emerging New Business Models in Microfinance in Europe.                                              A Four-Part Series of Webinars

Microfinance in Motion: Emerging New Business Models in Microfinance in Europe. A Four-Part Series of Webinars

Introduction This four-part webinar series will explore new microfinance business models that emerged in response to new technological solutions and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.&n

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MFC webinars on digitalisation Pivoting: Moving from Solo Operations to Ecosystem-Enabled Business Models

Pivoting: Moving from Solo Operations to Ecosystem-Enabled Business Models

When: Monday, February 21st, 2022, 14:00 – 15:30 CET (Amsterdam / Warsaw / Sarajevo)   REGISTER This webinar is organized in collaboration with the Mastercard Center

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Featured events and webinars EaSI TA webinar series: Business Continuity Planning

EaSI TA webinar series: Business Continuity Planning

16 Februar, 16 March, 13 April 2022

Join the EaSI Technical Assistance Webinar series on Business Continuity PlanningThe European Comission is offering this webinar to microfinance institutions (MF

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