Tag: Access to Finance

Library Are Microfinance Borrowers in Lebanon Over-Indebted?

Are Microfinance Borrowers in Lebanon Over-Indebted?

The paper "Are Microfinance Borrowers in Lebanon Over-Indebted?" presents the results of the research study  that aimed to provide empirical evidence that would confirm or refute

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Library Microfinance and Business Start-ups: Review of the Current Practice in Europe

Microfinance and Business Start-ups: Review of the Current Practice in Europe

The paper "Microfinance and Business Start-ups: Review of the Current Practice in Europe" explores the theoretical background and the emergent evidence related to the role of acces

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Library Delivering Financial Capability: A Look at Business Approaches

Delivering Financial Capability: A Look at Business Approaches

Financial capability has been a buzz word for almost a decade as more and more financial institutions and other stakeholders recognize that in order to improve financial inclusio

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Library Financing Gap and SME Employment Growth: Beyond Access to Finance

Financing Gap and SME Employment Growth: Beyond Access to Finance

The key aim of these MFC research paper "Financing Gap and SME Employment Growth: Beyond Access to Finance" was to investigate the relation between the perceived changes in financ

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Library Microfinance & the start-up sector: Romania visit || Read our new case studies!

Microfinance & the start-up sector: Romania visit || Read our new case studies!

[divider] In early October, MFC staff visited Romania to meet with a range of stakeholders (including MFC members Vitas and GoodBee) to discuss how the microfinance sector current

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NEWS Edukacja Finansowa w Polsce

Edukacja Finansowa w Polsce

[divider]   [divider] Od 2003 r., w MFC zrealizowaliśmy ponad 50 projektów w 22 krajach. Projekty realizowane w Polsce są naszym laboratorium - ich wynikami dzielimy

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Past Projects Increasing Access to Finance for Rural Population in Belarus

Increasing Access to Finance for Rural Population in Belarus

Funder: USAID     Partner: Republican Microfinance Center      [divider] Financial services can be a lifeline to low-income peop

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Past Projects Financing start-ups and social outcomes measurement

Financing start-ups and social outcomes measurement

[divider] [divider] In a time of economic slow-down, the idea of financing start-up enterprises in the EU is quite alluring. As such, start-ups (enterprises in early stages

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NEWS MFC Members Recognized for Financial Inclusion Work

MFC Members Recognized for Financial Inclusion Work

[divider] [divider]     [divider]   Financial inclusion is high on the European Union agenda, and we support our members to become effective

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Research Research Program

Research Program

[divider]MFC undertakes quantitative and qualitative research studies in order to provide an insight into the drivers of customer behavior and market development We carry out ente

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Research Demand for Microfinance Services

Demand for Microfinance Services

[divider]We conduct studies to assess the need for credit, deposit and microinsurance services among clients and develop market development projections using the access frontier to

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Research Access to Finance

Access to Finance

[divider] [divider] Measuring Access to Finance: Developing evidence-based access policies According to the recently-published Global Findex data, 45% of adults in the ECA regio

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Research Supply for Microfinance Services

Supply for Microfinance Services

[divider]We use surveys and in-depth interviews to explore issues around infrastructure, product availability, and legal/regulatory opportunities and constraints around the supply

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EU Microfinance Access to Finance Barometer

Access to Finance Barometer

As part of a multi-component project funded by European Commission, MFC is developing and testing methodology of Access to Finance Barometer that will provide insights into the cou

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Past Projects Bosnia and Herzegovina: Pilot study on access of low-income households to financial services

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Pilot study on access of low-income households to financial services

[divider] This study examined the application of customer protection principles, access to financial services and the risk of over-indebtedness among low-income clients in Bosnia

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Past Projects Measuring Access to Finance: Developing Evidence-Based Access Policies in Belarus

Measuring Access to Finance: Developing Evidence-Based Access Policies in Belarus

[divider] The project was initiated and managed by the National Bank of Belarus in cooperation with other government agencies and funded by the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (A

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Library Measuring Access to Finance: Developing Evidence-Based Access Policies, 2012

Measuring Access to Finance: Developing Evidence-Based Access Policies, 2012

Measuring Access to Finance: Developing Evidence-Based Access Policies Access to Finance Scorecard (AFS) framework captures diverse aspects of access and usage issues into one c

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