
Attend to Saving Groups Workshop!

Attend to Saving Groups Workshop!


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European Microfinance Day

European Microfinance Day

The European Microfinance Day initiative was launched in 2015 as a tool to highlight the impact of the microfinance sector [...]

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Apply for Scholarship for the Rural and Agricultural Finance Program!

Apply for Scholarship for the Rural and Agricultural Finance Program!


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Join Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018!

Join Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018!


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MFC-EMN Annual Conference News: the Main Topic and Location are Set

MFC-EMN Annual Conference News: the Main Topic and Location are Set

is initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further [...]

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MFC Partnership Programme for Country Associations

MFC Partnership Programme for Country Associations

Since its inception Microfinance Centre has maintained very close ties with the country level associations, recognizing their role and potential [...]

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MFC Signed Strategic Partnership with CMF (Nepal) Expanding Cooperation with Country Associations beyond Europe and Central Asia

MFC Signed Strategic Partnership with CMF (Nepal) Expanding Cooperation with Country Associations beyond Europe and Central Asia


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MFC Members Fondi BESA and FAER has been awarded ECoCG

MFC Members Fondi BESA and FAER has been awarded ECoCG


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I want to secure the future of my family


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I want to grow my savings

Check-out other [...]

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I want to manage my debts smarter


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I want to make my expenses smarter

Check-out other [...]

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I want to build up my savings

Check-out other [...]

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The European Commission: Call for Applications for the Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises

The European Commission: Call for Applications for the Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises


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Give your feedback for EC: A simplified prospectus for companies and investors in Europe

Give your feedback for EC: A simplified prospectus for companies and investors in Europe


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Apply for Scholarship for the 2018 Boulder Microfinance Training in English!

Apply for Scholarship for the 2018 Boulder Microfinance Training in English!


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The Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association Awards 2018

The Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association Awards 2018


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MFC Members News: ADIE’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

MFC Members News: ADIE’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

On March 29, 2018, the Association [...]

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Building New Foundations in Housing Microfinance: European Microfinance Award 2017 summary

Building New Foundations in Housing Microfinance: European Microfinance Award 2017 summary


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MFC Signed Strategic Partnership with Country Associations: AMA, AMFOK and UCORA

MFC Signed Strategic Partnership with Country Associations: AMA, AMFOK and UCORA


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