Tag: Financial Education



A publication of the ‘From Research to Practice and Back Again’ Action Group (AG)  focuses on understanding the relationship between financial education (FE) and financial hea

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NEWS LETS SAVEE – Watch Saving Groups Videos

LETS SAVEE – Watch Saving Groups Videos

Check how Saving Groups can contribute to improving lives of low income earners, migrants, poor unemployed, people with unstable jobs and microentrepreneurs by encouraging these gr

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Featured News Saving Groups Methodology and Training Curriculum

Saving Groups Methodology and Training Curriculum

This saving groups methodology and training curriculum aims to promote Savings Groups in countries where partner organisations of the LEarning, Teaming up and Saving – SAVing gro

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Projects Borrow Wisely! Financial Education Campaign

Borrow Wisely! Financial Education Campaign

What is Borrow Wisely! Campaign?The Borrow Wisely! promotes global client protection standards. This annual international campaign is led by the MFC and its partners. We work with

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NEWS Borrow Wisely Campaign 2020 – the 7th edition in October

Borrow Wisely Campaign 2020 – the 7th edition in October

News: 2021 Edition of the Borrow Wisely Campaign is Open for Applications! 2020 edition's results | 2021BWC invitation Big THANK YOU and first impressions 7th Edition of the Bor

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Featured News 7th Edition of the Borrow Wisely Campaign Has Started Right Now! #2020BWC

7th Edition of the Borrow Wisely Campaign Has Started Right Now! #2020BWC

October is here which equals the BORROW WISELY CAMPAIGN 2020 launch!   This year’s participants have prepared lots of #2020BWC activities on-line (and some off-line as w

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NEWS #BorrowWisely is kicking off in TWO WEEKS!

#BorrowWisely is kicking off in TWO WEEKS!

Borrow Wisely Campaign is almost here – the 7th edition is starting on the very first day of October! This year the format will be modified due to the pandemic restrictions. But

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NEWS Over 1 900 000 people reached by Borrow Wisely Campaign 2019! Join us in 2020 and spread the word about smart borrowing

Over 1 900 000 people reached by Borrow Wisely Campaign 2019! Join us in 2020 and spread the word about smart borrowing

How was BWC 2019? First of all: Congratulations to all of the participating institutions, You have done a great job! Client’s workshops and fairs, along with one-on-one meetin

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LEarning, Teaming up and Saving – SAVing groups for Employabiliy and Empowerment, in other words LETS SAVEE, is a new project which MFC is coordinating. The project aims at explo

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NEWS The 2018 Borrow Wisely Campaign is Over, but the Impact Goes on…

The 2018 Borrow Wisely Campaign is Over, but the Impact Goes on…

[divider] 'Are you kidding me? This is unbelievable! A financial institution that is taking care of me and my budget? From the bottom of my heart, thank you and MFC for this

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NEWS Join MFC for 3 sessions during the European Microfinance Week 2018!

Join MFC for 3 sessions during the European Microfinance Week 2018!

[divider] [divider] European Microfinance Week, organised by the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) in Luxembourg on 14 - 16 November, hosts high level and in-depth discu

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NEWS Attend to Saving Groups Workshop!

Attend to Saving Groups Workshop!

Topic: Saving Group Movement in Europe: A new way to foster financial and social empowerment Date: Tuesday 19th of June 2018, 9 am – 4:30 pm  Location: The Hague Universi

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NEWS Join Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018!

Join Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018!

[divider] [divider] Want to promote international client protection standards and responsible lending? Join Borrow Wisely campaign 2018! This year, the Microfinance Centr

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External Publications Toward a Financial Health Tool for Consumers: Test Results Summary

Toward a Financial Health Tool for Consumers: Test Results Summary

  The Microfinance Centre and Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion are working together to build a financial health tool to assist customers with gauging and improving

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NEWS 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign Results

2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign Results

[divider] [divider] We are pleased to share with you the final evaluation results of our 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign! The Borrow Wisely Campaign is an international in

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NEWS Project „Taking Financial Health Tools to the customer” was launched

Project „Taking Financial Health Tools to the customer” was launched

[divider] [divider] MFC and Accion are partnering on an action research project aimed at creating a digital tool (mobile phone application or responsive web site) that wi

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NEWS 1st Forum on Migrant Entrepreneurship Support starts tomorrow

1st Forum on Migrant Entrepreneurship Support starts tomorrow

Forum “Identifying common issues and challenges of Migrant Entrepreneurship Support and the role of entrepreneurial skills” 20th February 2018, Danube University Krems, Aus

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NEWS The productive workshops on digital tool for financial health improvement took place in Warsaw

The productive workshops on digital tool for financial health improvement took place in Warsaw

[divider] [divider] The workshop is part of the project Taking Financial Health Tools to the Customer in Eastern Europe and Central Asia implemented by MFC in cooperation

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NEWS Borrow Wisely Campaign: The first results are available!

Borrow Wisely Campaign: The first results are available!

[divider] [divider]   We are pleased to share with you the first results of our 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign! During the month of October, our partners from 15 count

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NEWS MFC advocates Financial Education for All in Poland

MFC advocates Financial Education for All in Poland

[divider] [divider] As in previous years, in 2017 MFC has been leading a growing group of financial education stakeholders, i.e. likeminded Polish partners to advocate for bett

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