
Искам да направя разходите си по-разумни


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Искам да укрепя спестяванията си


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Я хочу обеспечить будущее своей семье

Больше советов: Я хочу грамотнее распоряжаться своими [...]

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Я хочу увеличить свои сбережения

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Я хочу грамотнее брать займы

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Я хочу рациональнее управлять своими задолженностями

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Я хочу вовремя оплачивать свои счета

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Я хочу грамотнее распоряжаться своими расходами

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Я хочу увеличить свои сбережения

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MFC Signs Strategic Partnership with China Association of Microfinance

MFC Signs Strategic Partnership with China Association of Microfinance


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MFC Member KMF from Kazakhstan announced as finalist for European Microfinance Award

MFC Member KMF from Kazakhstan announced as finalist for European Microfinance Award


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Read the MFC Annual Report 2017!

Read the MFC Annual Report 2017!

  Dear colleagues, We are pleased to share with you the MFC The MFC Annual Report 2017 infographic [...]

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I want to borrow smarter

Check-out other [...]

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Join us in Brussels to celebrate the 4th European Microfinance Day!

Join us in Brussels to celebrate the 4th European Microfinance Day!


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I want to make my expenses smarter

Check-out other [...]

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MFC-EMN Annual Conference workshop moderators pitch their sessions in video shorts

MFC-EMN Annual Conference workshop moderators pitch their sessions in video shorts


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Two New Publications added to the MFC Library!

Two New Publications added to the MFC Library!

is initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further [...]

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Welcome to New MFC Member: GRANAT from Russia

Welcome to New MFC Member: GRANAT from Russia


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4th European Microfinance Day: E=mc2

4th European Microfinance Day: E=mc2

is initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further [...]

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Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018 Starts in Two Weeks

Borrow Wisely Campaign 2018 Starts in Two Weeks


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