Tag: Client Protection

NEWS LETS SAVEE – Watch Saving Groups Videos

LETS SAVEE – Watch Saving Groups Videos

Check how Saving Groups can contribute to improving lives of low income earners, migrants, poor unemployed, people with unstable jobs and microentrepreneurs by encouraging these gr

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Featured News Saving Groups Methodology and Training Curriculum

Saving Groups Methodology and Training Curriculum

This saving groups methodology and training curriculum aims to promote Savings Groups in countries where partner organisations of the LEarning, Teaming up and Saving – SAVing gro

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Projects Borrow Wisely! Financial Education Campaign

Borrow Wisely! Financial Education Campaign

What is Borrow Wisely! Campaign?The Borrow Wisely! promotes global client protection standards. This annual international campaign is led by the MFC and its partners. We work with

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NEWS #2020BWC Champion – Microinvest from Moldova – Shares Impressions from the Campaign

#2020BWC Champion – Microinvest from Moldova – Shares Impressions from the Campaign

MFC Member from Moldova, Microinvest, wants to share with you their BWC activities report. In 2020 Microinvest thanks to their great involvement, enormous work and creative appro

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NEWS Borrow Wisely Campaign 2020 – the 7th edition in October

Borrow Wisely Campaign 2020 – the 7th edition in October

News: 2021 Edition of the Borrow Wisely Campaign is Open for Applications! 2020 edition's results | 2021BWC invitation Big THANK YOU and first impressions 7th Edition of the Bor

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Featured News 7th Edition of the Borrow Wisely Campaign Has Started Right Now! #2020BWC

7th Edition of the Borrow Wisely Campaign Has Started Right Now! #2020BWC

October is here which equals the BORROW WISELY CAMPAIGN 2020 launch!   This year’s participants have prepared lots of #2020BWC activities on-line (and some off-line as w

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NEWS #BorrowWisely is kicking off in TWO WEEKS!

#BorrowWisely is kicking off in TWO WEEKS!

Borrow Wisely Campaign is almost here – the 7th edition is starting on the very first day of October! This year the format will be modified due to the pandemic restrictions. But

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NEWS EIF and European Commission Launch New Covid-19 Measures Supporting Micro- and Social Enterprises Under the EaSI Guarantee Instrument

EIF and European Commission Launch New Covid-19 Measures Supporting Micro- and Social Enterprises Under the EaSI Guarantee Instrument

  Coronavirus: EIF and European Commission Launch New Covid-19 Measures Supporting Micro- and Social Enterprises Under the Eur 400m EaSI Guarantee Instrument Enhanced

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NEWS Smart Campaign has Come to an End

Smart Campaign has Come to an End

After a decade of raising awareness and incentivizing the adoption of responsible practices among inclusive finance providers, the Smart Campaign is coming to an end. CFI will tran

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NEWS Over 1 900 000 people reached by Borrow Wisely Campaign 2019! Join us in 2020 and spread the word about smart borrowing

Over 1 900 000 people reached by Borrow Wisely Campaign 2019! Join us in 2020 and spread the word about smart borrowing

How was BWC 2019? First of all: Congratulations to all of the participating institutions, You have done a great job! Client’s workshops and fairs, along with one-on-one meetin

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LEarning, Teaming up and Saving – SAVing groups for Employabiliy and Empowerment, in other words LETS SAVEE, is a new project which MFC is coordinating. The project aims at explo

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Library The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management – Where do we go from here?

The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management – Where do we go from here?

  [divider] The Microfinace Centre, the CERISE and the SPTF in cooperation with e-MFP Making Microfinance Responsible (MIR) Action Group have published brief "The Un

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NEWS 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign Results

2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign Results

[divider] [divider] We are pleased to share with you the final evaluation results of our 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign! The Borrow Wisely Campaign is an international in

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NEWS Borrow Wisely Campaign has started!

Borrow Wisely Campaign has started!

[divider] [divider] For the next 31 days, 26 financial institutions in 17 countries will roll out financial education messages across the region as part of the MFC’s thir

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NEWS Just 2 weeks left until the 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign kicks off!

Just 2 weeks left until the 2017 Borrow Wisely Campaign kicks off!

[divider] [divider] In October, we’re kicking off our fourth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign! This year, 26 leading financial institutions will work across 17 countries in Eu

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NEWS #BWC2017 Join us! Borrow Wisely Campaign

#BWC2017 Join us! Borrow Wisely Campaign

[divider] In October 2017, the MFC and leading financial institutions from across the ECA region will launch the fourth annual Borrow Wisely Campaign. Our aim? To radically im

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Responsible Finance Client Protection

Client Protection

[divider] The industry's growing concern around client protection is an effort to ensure fair, responsible and transparent services for clients. MFC primarily goal is to be indus

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Responsible Finance Social Performance Management (SPM)

Social Performance Management (SPM)

[divider] Established in 1999, our global SPM program works with networks and MFIs on assessment and capacity building projects in order to develop systems and improve practice

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Research Microinsurance


[divider]MFC connects microfinance providers with regulated insurance companies to improve and expand clients’ access to quality microinsurance products The three-year “Facili

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