Join Microfinance for Youth Entrepreneurship and Borrow Wisely Campaigns 2024!

Join Microfinance for Youth Entrepreneurship and Borrow Wisely Campaigns 2024!

In October and November we’re going to run very exciting campaigns, and we invite you to join us in becoming our partner.

Borrow Wisely Campaign 2024

For the past 9 years, Borrow Wisely has been successfully organized, reaching many micro-entrepreneurs across Europe and Central Asia. Please visit our website to see the highlights from the 2023 edition and to find out more about the campaign.

By participating in the campaign, your organization can demonstrate its commitment to responsible lending and customer care. Your involvement will contribute to the industry’s overall reputation and showcase your institution as a reliable lender. 

Microfinance for Youth Entrepreneurship Campaign

According to the publication ‘Missing Entrepreneurs 2023’ about 40% of young people (15-30 years old) in the EU indicated that they would prefer to be self-employed compared to working as an employee However, this entrepreneurial ambition does not always translate into business creation or working as self-employed. Despite increased support and investment in youth entrepreneurship, youth continue to face barriers in entrepreneurship, including a lack of entrepreneurship skills, limitations in building networks and difficulties accessing finance 

We believe that everyone should have equal opportunities to start their own businesses, and we want to empower Youth Entrepreneurs. MFC, along with the partners, is going to promote the role of the microfinance sector in supporting youth entrepreneurs, in addition to sharing success stories from our partners.

To learn more about both campaigns and how your organization can become a partner, please reach out our new Communications Coordinator Joanna Sosnowska-Orynska at:

We extend an invitation to other organizations to support and promote responsible lending and borrowing standards. Let’s also unite to empower youth entrepreneurship and strengthen the international foundation for developing entrepreneurship opportunities through microfinance.

More on Borrow Wisely Campaign

More on Microfinance for Youth Entrepreneurship Campaign