Measuring Access to Finance: Developing Evidence-Based Access Policies in Belarus

The project was initiated and managed by the National Bank of Belarus in cooperation with other governmMethodology for assessment of access to financeent agencies and funded by the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI).

As part of this project, MFC developed Access to Finance Scorecard(AFS) to capture diverse aspects of access and usage into a comprehensive tool to measure inclusion. The framework equips national-level stakeholders with data to inform policy-making and financial service regulation.

During the one-year project (2012) comprehensive research was conducted on the infrastructure and supply of financial services, the demand survey of households to better understand the patterns of use of financial services as well as pro-access policy assessment.

As a result, recommendations for policy changes were developed highlighting key areas for improvement.

Project results

Estimation and Analysis of Financial Inclusion among Households and Individuals in the Republic of Belarus. Full text, summary
Estimation and Analysis of SME Financial Inclusion in the Republic of Belarus. Full text, summary
Financial Inclusion Policy Survey in the Republic of Belarus.
Assessment and analysis of Supply of Financial Services to individual consumers in Belarus. Full text, summary
Demand survey analysis – individuals and households. Full text, summary