Tag: Green Microfinance

Library #SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Peter Šurek, Erste Social Finance Holding, Austria

#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Peter Šurek, Erste Social Finance Holding, Austria

Here you will find information about Erste Social Finance's experience with social housing financing and expanding financial access to refugees. This video was recorded during the

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Library #SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Florian Ott, Erste Social Finance Holding, Austria

#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Florian Ott, Erste Social Finance Holding, Austria

Here you will find the experience of Erste Social Finance Holding (a joint venture of Erste Group Bank AG and ERSTE Foundation) as it works to create social impact by supporting so

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Videos and Webinar Recordings #SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Paweł Chorąży, Polish Development Bank, Poland

#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Paweł Chorąży, Polish Development Bank, Poland

Socially orientated enterprises in Poland face difficulty in sourcing traditional credit. To bridge this finance gap and recognise the added value to society of these organisation

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Library #SFV2022 Overview of Social Economy Actors

#SFV2022 Overview of Social Economy Actors

The social economy ecosystem is home to a wide range of players with a wealth of experience in creating lasting social change.  This session was about the range of players, what

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Library #SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Laura David, Stefan Buciuc, BCR Social Finance, Romania

#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Laura David, Stefan Buciuc, BCR Social Finance, Romania

BCR finances NGOs and social enterprises. It has also launched a new zero-collateral student loan that allows anyone under the age of 45 to finance their studies and further educat

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Library #SFV2022 Social Economy Action Plan: The way forward

#SFV2022 Social Economy Action Plan: The way forward

Access to funding is a challenge for social economy organisations and therefore an important workstream of the Social Economy Action Plan. This session was a source of expert in

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Library #SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Andrey Kopyl, HOPE, Ukraine

#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Andrey Kopyl, HOPE, Ukraine

Learn about the work of HOPE Ukraine in supporting the Ukrainian people, including significant changes in its activities after February 2022 and how its new focus will shape its vi

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Library #SFV 2022 Opening day 1

#SFV 2022 Opening day 1

Welcoming remarks by MFC Management Board and Brunilda Isaj, Council Chairwoman #SFV2022 opening by Ruth Paserman from the European Commission, Director DG Employment Insights to

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Library #SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Mastercard & MFI – towards digitalization

#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Mastercard & MFI – towards digitalization

Filbo, an MFI from Romania, and Mastercard SME Solutions team discussed how MFIs can partner with Mastercard to digitize their customer experience and unlock new business opportu

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Featured News Green recognition awards 2022

Green recognition awards 2022

At the occasion of the second edition of the Social Finance Vibe 2022, MFC (Microfinance Centre) decided to recognize two institutions as leaders in the sustainable agriculture inn

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Events and webinars Explore Funding Opportunities – Erasmus Plus for MFIs Webinar Series

Explore Funding Opportunities – Erasmus Plus for MFIs Webinar Series

21 and 27 September 2022

INTRODUCTION Surprisingly to many, Erasmus+ project might be a great opportunity for Microfinance Institutions, to finance practical training or exchange of exper

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NEWS Financial Inclusion for Green Inclusive Growth in Europe (FIGIG)

Financial Inclusion for Green Inclusive Growth in Europe (FIGIG)

Financial Inclusion for Green Inclusive Growth in Europe (FIGIG) MFC’s new 4-year Programme Financial Inclusion for Green Inclusive Growth in Europe aims at advancing the EU g

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Events and webinars Join the EaSI Technical Assistance Webinar:  Awareness raising on the climate issues among microfinance clients.  

Join the EaSI Technical Assistance Webinar: Awareness raising on the climate issues among microfinance clients.  

21 June 2022

IntroductionThe Overview Survery (OS) conducted biannualy by EMN and MFC has seen a large increase in the MFI and the public's interest in Green Products and Green Microfinance. Th

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GREEN INDEX 3.0  The e-MFP Green Inclusive and Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF AG) has developed and implemented the Green Index since 2014. In 2022 the GICSF AG &

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External Publications “Green Transformation and Microfinance”, Online Workshop by Albanian Microfinance Association

“Green Transformation and Microfinance”, Online Workshop by Albanian Microfinance Association

Albanian Microfinance Association held an online workshop themed: “Green Transformation and Microfinance”As part of the activities carried out by providers and products of micr

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Featured News Advancing Green Economy through Microfinance in Europe

Advancing Green Economy through Microfinance in Europe

The paper offers a glimpse into the emerging green microfinance activities within the microfinance sector in the EU. While there are some encouraging

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NEWS watch: Advancing Green Microfinance – Entering Green Finance Space by MFIs

watch: Advancing Green Microfinance – Entering Green Finance Space by MFIs

Entry into green finance sector brings new opportunities and potential benefits but is not without challenges. It is a new line of business for most microfinance institutions which

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NEWS Webinar: Evaluation and Support for Improving Inclusive Green Finance for MFIs – The Green Index

Webinar: Evaluation and Support for Improving Inclusive Green Finance for MFIs – The Green Index

The e-MFP Green Inclusive & Climate Smart Finance Action Group (GICSF AG), convened by the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), was created in 2013 with the objective of rai

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NEWS European Investment Bank Institute – Discover the 15 best European Social Entrepreneurs

European Investment Bank Institute – Discover the 15 best European Social Entrepreneurs

The Social Innovation Tournament recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It promotes innovative ideas and rewards initiatives that contribute to creating so

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NEWS MFC Members’ news: Asian Credit Fund’s new green economy programme

MFC Members’ news: Asian Credit Fund’s new green economy programme

[divider] [divider] Asian Credit Fund (ACF) is a microfinance organization operating in Kazakhstan. ACF provides microloans for small businesses and supports households

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