Learn more about SPM
The microfinance industry is in a period of fast growth, both in terms of complexity, but also competition. In this environment, achieving and staying in tune with the mission is a real challenge for MFIs.
Mission-driven MFIs will find a number of resources online, developed to help them achieve their double bottom-line. These are:
The Universal Standards
The Universal Standards have been developed by Social Performance Task Force members to establish a global common understanding of what “good SPM” means for double bottom line MFIs. MFIs can use them to self-regulate their SPM practice, as well as strengthen it over time. Learn more>
The SPM Resource Centre
The SPM Resource Centre is a comprehensive and dynamic source of practical guidance on all aspects of the SPM process The site includes real case examples from MFIs worldwide, tips and checklists for each technical area, policy templates you can download and adapt for your own MFI, downloadable worksheets to help you define your SPM approach, andt argeted guidance on how to get started for key stakeholder groups, including: MFIs, networks and funders. Visit today>
The Social Performance Task Force (SPTF)
The SPTF engages with microfinance stakeholders to develop, disseminate and promote standards and good practices for social performance management and reporting through providing a platform for dialogue, learning and collaboration, facilitating advocacy, setting standards, gathering evidence of and promoting good practice SPM. Learn more>
The SMART Campaign
The Smart Campaign is a global effort to unite microfinance leaders around a common goal: to keep clients as the driving force of the industry. Learn more about client protection>