Digital Literacy Bootcamp Certification

The #DigLitBootcamp aimed at building strong foundation for digital transformation processes in MFIs by targeting basic skills, knowledge and capabilities related to digitalisation among MFI staff and management.

It is divided into six thematic tracks: 

Track 1: Digital profile of the customer 

Track 2: Digital presence and effective customer acquisition 

Track 3: Digital customer service and value add 

Track 4: Digital operations 

Track 5: Digital capabilities and agile way of working 

Track 6: Regulation supporting digitalization 

The staff of MFIs were offered an opportunity to receive a certificate upon completion of at least one of the tracks, or all of them, under two conditions:  

  1. they participated or watched the recordings of the webinars 
  1. They passed the knowledge test, that accompanied each webinar, at the level of 75% of total points 

Each eligible person received an individual certificate and possibility to link it with its LinkedIn profile. 

Visit our LinkedIn profile

Learn more about #DigLitBootcamp 






European Fund for Southeast Europe




European Investment Bank Institute



This event is financed by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020. For further information: