Welcome EUROCROWD – the new MFC member

EUROCROWD - welcome on board.

We are very happy to welcome on board and introduce the new MFC Member – EUROCROWD from Belgium.

Last month, the Microfinance Centre (MFC) and the European Crowdfunding Network (EUROCROWD) have signed a cross-membership agreement to strengthen access to finance and support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). This formalizes a years long collaboration between the organisations in developing professional and impact focused financial services for the social economy.

By signing this cross-membership agreement, EUROCROWD and MFC join forces to develop partnerships among their respective members, as to benefit not only crowdfunding platforms and microfinance providers, but also all companies looking to access funding. While the Microfinance Centre has a strong track record of developing best practices and behavioral codes of conduct for social lending, crowdfunding brings a newly regulated market with compliance and oversight.

This collaboration falls within a wider framework of partnerships in the alternative finance industry developed by both parties. Both organisations are committed to providing the tools and the necessary know-how to support SMEs in their business journey through training models, joint webinars, joint policy actions, and events.

“We are excited to formalise our efforts in promoting financial services with a social mission with such an experienced and well established partner as the MFC. Our combined strengths will help creating a strong social and impact focused mission within the development of digital finance”, said Oliver Gajda, executive director of EUROCROWD.

“We are extremely happy about this next big step in our already long term collaboration with Eurocrowd – the leading network in digital finance  and excited to further work together more closely in developing modern, professional and impact focused financial services for the social economy”, stated Katarzyna Pawlak, MFC’s CEO.

Check the EUROCROWD showcase.

Check the EUROCROWD showcase and find out what are the areas of expertise of our new Member.

The European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (EUROCROWD) is an independent, professional network promoting adequate transparency, (self) regulation and governance while offering a combined voice in policy discussion and public opinion building. EUROCROWD was formally incorporated as an international not-for-profit organisation in Brussels, Belgium in 2013.

EUROCROWD executes initiatives aimed at innovating, representing, promoting and protecting the European crowdfunding industry as a key aspect of innovation within alternative finance and financial technology, including crypto assets and distributed ledger technologies. Their aim is to increase the understanding of the key roles that crowdfunding can play in supporting entrepreneurship of all types and its role in funding the creation and protection of jobs, the enrichment of European society, culture and economy, and the protection of our environment.

In that capacity EUROCROWD helps developing professional standards, providing industry research, as well as, professional networking opportunities in order to facilitate interaction between our members and key industry participants. EUROCROWD maintains a dialogue with public institutions and stakeholders as well as the media at European, international and national levels.

For more visit EUROCROWD website: eurocrowd.org

Sponsor :

This initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi

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