External Publications Financial Inclusion Compass 2022

Financial Inclusion Compass 2022

The Financial I­nclusion Compass 2022 is the fifth in a series to collate sector opinions on emerging short, medium, and long-term trends in the financial inclusion sector. The s

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External Publications European Social Enterprise Monitor 2022

European Social Enterprise Monitor 2022

The ESEM is the first social enterprise monitor on the European level, gathering survey data from social entrepreneurs from across Europe. 2,000 socially and environmentally minde

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External Publications Green microfinance in Europe, first steps and forthcoming opportunities

Green microfinance in Europe, first steps and forthcoming opportunities

Read the latest findings on Green Microfinance (by EMN in collaboration with e-MFP, Green Inclusive & Climate Smart Finance Action Group)           &n

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External Publications Support for Digitalisation of Social Impact

Support for Digitalisation of Social Impact

During the Covid-19 pandemic, third sector organisations (TSOs) and social enterprises (SEs) were forced to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and undergo digital transformati

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External Publications Outcomes Management for Financial Services Providers. A proposed standard framework aligned with Sustainable Development Goals

Outcomes Management for Financial Services Providers. A proposed standard framework aligned with Sustainable Development Goals

This paper summarizes the work that CERISE and SPTF have conducted with investors and FSPs to define a more pragmatic approach to outcomes management, building from existing data,

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External Publications The SDGs: a common framework to promote Social Impact Measurement of the SSE

The SDGs: a common framework to promote Social Impact Measurement of the SSE

This report analyses the potential of integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the Social Impact Measurement (SIM) of the social and solidarity economy (SSE). Memb

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External Publications A Practical Guide to Measuring and Managing Impact

A Practical Guide to Measuring and Managing Impact

The goal of impact measurement is to manage and control the process of creating social impact in order to maximise or optimise it (relative to costs). Based on best practices from

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External Publications Navigating Impact Measurement and Management

Navigating Impact Measurement and Management

The report published by European Venture Philantropy Association (EVPA) highlights the key issues and considerations for measuring and, more importantly, managing impact at each st

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