#SFV2022 Talk with Leaders: Katarzyna Duber-Stachurska, TISE, Poland
This is your chance to learn from more than 30 years of experience of the Social and Economic Investment Company TISE SA, established in Poland in 1991 and currently the biggest social finance provider in the CEE region. Initially, TISE was active as a venture capital fund, financing small and medium enterprises and NGOs, granting credit guarantees and subordinated loans. Since 2008, TISE has focused on granting loans to NGOs, microenterprises and SMEs. In 2012, TISE expanded its operations through participation in Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Polish National Promotional Bank) programs based on EU structural funds for both SMEs and social economy.
This video was recorded during the virtual conference Social Finance Vibe 2022: Towards a Resilient Future, organized by Microfinance Centre on November 9-10.
This initiative has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2022-2025). For further information please check: http://ec.europa.eu/social/easi. The content of this publication represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.