Recent changes to the MFC Council 

During the Annual Membership Meeting held in Cracow on May 14, 2024, MFC held membership elections. 

Congratulations to Gabriele Giuglietti (MFC Council Vice-President, Member Nominated Council Member since 2021, 1st term) and Elma Zukic (Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee of the MFC Council) for being chosen to serve their second terms. 

We also would like to welcome and congratulate Armen Gabrielyan on becoming a new Council Member. Armen Gabrielyan is the CEO/President of Farm Credit Armenia and Chairman of the Union of Credit Organisations of the Republic of Armenia. Mr. Gabrielyan’s extensive experience in microfinance and agricultural finance is truly remarkable. He has successfully built a flagship financial cooperative, Farm Credit Armenia, which is highly regarded among lenders and investors. Under his leadership, Farm Credit Armenia has become an exemplary social finance organization, and Mr. Gabrielyan’s vision and strategic thinking have significantly contributed to the institution’s success. He has always been committed to our mission of promoting financial inclusion and has been a valuable contributor to our community. With his knowledge of agricultural finance, cooperatives, and relationships with regulators, MFC will undoubtedly benefit from his membership in the Council. 

The continuing Council Members include Archil Bakuradze (MFC Council President, 2nd term), Perlat Sulaj (Member Nominated, 1st term), Martina Grigorova (At-Large Member, 1st term), and Sami Lahud (At-Large Member, 1st term). 

The term of service for Alisher Akbaraliev (Chair of the Governance Committee, At-Large Council Member, 2nd term) ended in April 2024. We bid farewell to Alisher Akbaraliev, who dedicated six years (two terms) to the MFC Council, playing a pivotal role in ensuring MFC’s sustainability.

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