Driving Change: Productive Advocacy of Microfinance Centre in Brussels
The autumn was very productive for our Advocacy Manager, Beata Biela, as she co-drives discussions on building a more inclusive and sustainable financial landscape.
In September, Beata represented MFC at the FEBEA – European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers’ Annual Conference in Ireland, themed “Strength in Unity.” The event brought together practitioners from ethical finance and the social economy across Europe to explore strategies for a fairer, more sustainable economic future. Key highlights included inspiring examples of collaboration and partnerships, showcasing Ireland’s vibrant ethical finance landscape.
In October, Beata traveled to Brussels for meetings with representatives from the European Commission (DG EMPL, DG NEAR, and DG ECFIN), alongside our partners from the European Microfinance Network, FEBEA – European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers, and Social Economy Europe. These discussions focused on two key initiatives: our collaboration with EMN to support micro and small entrepreneurs and vulnerable households in achieving a fair green transition, and the CEE Social Economy Forum, which aims to boost finance and cooperation.
We also took the opportunity to promote our latest policy paper, which highlights successful financing instruments for microfinance and the social economy, co-financed by European Funds or other public funds.
In December, Martina Grigorova, MFC Council Member and Beata represented MFC at the Partner Networks meeting with DG EMPL and DG GROW focusing on Commission’s work programme for 2025 and updates from the networks. We much appreciated the opportunity to have open dialogue with the EC representatives and sister networks and occasion for presenting MFC activities and plans for 2025.
Through these efforts, we continue to enhance collaboration and work toward a more inclusive financial landscape across Europe.
If you are already engaged or would like to do more on the policy front at the EU or your country’s level, please contact Beata at beata@mfc.org.pl