Micro-entrepreneurship Awards 2016


In June, a special ceremony was held in Warsaw to bring together people from business, academia and the public sector—and to announce winners of the twelfth edition of the competition for the best micro-entrepreneur of 2016. Thanks to support from the Citi Foundation, we could select the best innovative and traditional micro-enterprises.

The winner of the main award is Nakatomi, the advertisement agency.

Additionally, prizes were awarded in the following categories:

  • START: Many Mornings
  • SENIOR: ATLANTA small printing house
  • YOUNG BUSINESS: Agrotur Marta Kołodziej
  • WOMEN’S ENTERPRISE: Bartnik’s Manor


Furthermore, special awards were given to: Brewa, Gymstation Breguła Laber, Smart Pharma, ULANKA Katarzyna Ulańska, and Torqway.

The award for the best micro-enterprise support organization was given to the Gornoslaski Fund.

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