MFC and EMN Collaborate with DG EMPL on Key Microfinance Initiative (September update)

The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) has invited MFC and EMN to contribute to three crucial initiatives aimed at enhancing the microfinance sector, namely: 

  • Shaping the Legislative and Regulatory Microfinance Framework 
  • Feedback on Financial Guarantee Instrument for Skills and Education 
  • Supporting Microfinance Development in Ukraine and its Diaspora 

On 29th August together with EMN we submitted our analysis regarding our Members’ activities on student loans and the use of the EIF Skills and education pilot product together with the received feedback regarding obstacles, challenges and proposed amendments.  

On 25th September we delivered together with EMN the presentation for DG EMPL and DG NEAR representatives on the Microfinance in Ukraine and in Diasporas to support the growth of this part of microfinance sector.  

We would like to use this opportunity and thank all our Members and Institutions who provided feedback and various assistance enabling us to continue our advocacy efforts on microfinance development.