Watch SIFTA Webinar: ESG as a new reporting standard (continuation)
12 October 2023
11:00 - 13:00
Our Experts
Cécile Lapenu is the Executive Director at CERISE. Cécile held the presidency of the European Microfinance Platform (eMFP) in 2013 and is a Board member of the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF). Before joining CERISE in 2001, Cécile worked as an expert in Rural Finance for IFPRI and CIRAD. She holds a Ph.D in agricultural economics, Cécile defended her doctoral thesis in 1996 on microfinance in Indonesia.
Cerise, a French nonprofit created in 1998, pioneered the implementation of social performance management, working with committed microfinance institutions to launch the Social Performance Indicators initiative in 2001. As a social innovator, Cerise works with actors in inclusive finance, social business and impact investing to co-create social standards and social assessment tools that are free to all. Cerise also offers fee-based consultancy services to all types of impact-driven organizations, equipping them with the skills and tools they need to define and achieve their impact goals. As the developers and champions of interdependent and complementary tools and products. In 2021 Cerise formalized the cooperation with SPTF via a Memorandum of Understanding and now they operate under a common strategic plan.
Taras Seryy is climate finance and carbon accounting expert with IFC. He has over 20+ years of experience in helping clients achieve their development goals. He had held various management and advisory positions in real and financial sector companies in North America, Europe and Central Asia. Over the past 15 years, Taras has supported various renewable energy and climate change mitigation projects with private and DFI funding. In the last few years, his work focused on developing regulatory framework for climate finance on the side of financial sector regulators. He is also supporting IFC client banks to decarbonize their activities and align their operations towards Paris Agreement goals.