Improving the Economic Integration of Refugees: What Can We Learn for the Future?

In November we delivered the session at European Microfinance Week, sharing MFC experience and network perspective at providing financial inclusion for refugees.
In this session, the panellists discussed the results and key learnings gained from different experiences in providing financial and non-financial services to refugees. They presented the big picture as well as individual and practical experiences and discussed the take-aways for the future. During the session, participants learnt from:
• Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) supporting refugee and migrant integration since 1965. Recently, it has expanded its microfinance operations, implementing innovative programs such as PAMFI. Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are one of the focus groups for CEB investments.
• Frankfurt School of Finance & Management: Through the FOSTER – Empowering the Private Sector to Foster Social and Economic Cohesion in Türkiye project, Frankfurt School supporting MSMEs and job creation in regions affected by the Syrian refugee crisis.
• The Microfinance Centre: MFC presented findings from its research on the provision of business development services (BDS) to Ukrainian female refugees and shared reflections on the challenges faced by these refugees to access finance.
• PerMicro: a leading microfinance institution from Italy, Permicro contributed to the discussion with its practical experience in providing financial and non-financial services to refugees, including the implementation of the PAMFI project.