MFC Members News: ADIE’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
On March 29, 2018, the Association for the Right to Economic Initiative (ADIE) celebrated its 30th anniversary in Paris.
It was a time to celebrate and reflect on Adie’s accomplishments in 2017 and unveil its new 2018-2020 Strategic Plan. It was also an opportunity to share the results from Adie’s nation-wide initiative which collected micro-entrepreneurs’ proposals on how to improve the regulatory framework for business creation in France. Adie stayed true to its actions of advocacy work, by acting as a voice for micro-entrepreneurs and relaying their proposals to French government officials.
Since its inception in 1988, Adie has disbursed more than 209,000 micro-credits and continues to finance and support (BDS) individuals who are excluded from the job market: women, youth, residents from disadvantaged neighborhoods, migrants, and refugees…
Adie also intervenes outside of its French borders by proposing a large spectrum of technical assistance services to microfinance actors within Europe and in the Mediterranean Basin. To achieve this, Adie has relied on its 30 years of experience and innovation in the microfinance field within different geographical contexts such as: France, Europe (Kosovo, Belgium, Greece, and Luxembourg), and the Mediterranean Basin (Tunisia and Turkey).
Discover photos from Adie’s 30th anniversary celebration: