Fostering Europe’s prosperity and industrial transformation: Cooperatives as drivers of change
On the occasion of the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives launched by the United Nations, the European Commission is organising a one-day event to promote the cooperative model.
The event will take place on Tuesday 18 March 2025 in Brussels, and it will foster discussions among representatives of the cooperative movement, cooperators, representatives of EU Institutions and academics and on how the cooperative model can support the development of a more prosperous and sustainable economy in the European Union.
CECOP, together with Cooperative Europe and the European Economic and Social Committee is a partner of the event and supports the European Commission in its preparation.
During the event, there will be interventions in plenaries and parallel workshops addressing policy areas and key current challenges for cooperative growth and development such as reindustrialisation, innovation & digitalisation, access to finance, etc.
The plenaries will address three important topics:
- Resilience of the cooperative model in times of economic uncertainty, and environmental and social challenges, a researcher’s perspective
- How can public authorities support the development of cooperatives?
- What is the future for cooperatives in the European Union? A dialogue with stakeholders
Streaming will be available for plenaries only.
For registration and more information, please visit the European Commission’s official page of the event below.