MFC feedback within the mid-term review of the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) 

On 13th September, MFC provided feedback to the recent call for position papers regarding the mid-term review of the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP). We focused on areas related to adult education and used this opportunity to advocate for: 

  1. Enhancing digital education specifically for microentrepreneurs, social economy entities, and vulnerable groups.  
  1. Building strategic partnerships as a way for capacity building at social finance providers level in a form of: 
  • the formation of strategic partnerships, preceded by networking opportunities,  
  • the provision of financial resources for forming such partnership and know-how transfer,  
  • the transfer of knowledge and training know-how in contemporary digital education including AI 
  1. Continuation of support within SIFTA and to ensure adequate funding under SIFTA to maintain this essential resource, supporting the development of the social economy and microfinance sectors across various countries.