MFC proudly joined Social Economy Europe

On 24th June, MFC became a member of Social Economy Europe (SEE). SEE is the voice of 2.8 million social economy enterprises and organisations in Europe. Since its foundation, Social Economy Europe is the secretariat of the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup. The aims of SEE are:

  • to promote all social economy activities and enterprises in Europe seeking to contribute to economic and social development,
  • to highlight the role of social economy enterprises at European level and to promote their defining values,
  • to support the political and legal recognition of the social economy at European level,
  • to be the European platform representing the social economy enterprises at the European institutions.

By joining SEE, MFC would like to cooperate with SEE within initiatives that focus on advocating for social economy interests. By doing so, we aim to play a significant role in fostering the growth and sustainability of the social economy and increase microfinance visibility at EU level.

Before becoming a member, MFC has already contributed to the Finance Working Group of SEE which we plan to continue.

More on Social Economy Europe