Join the European Microfinance Day (EMD) – 20th October 2016

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Microfinance Centre (MFC) in cooperation with European Microfinance Network (EMN) would like to invite you to join the 2nd edition of the European Microfinance Day this 20th October 2016.

The European Microfinance Day is a campaign jointly rolled out by both networks with the aim to raise awareness of microfinance as a tool to fight social exclusion and unemployment in Europe and beyond. You, the members are invited to use this opportunity to run an event at your level of influence.

Learn more about local actions

As last year, the campaign will focus on a general theme. This year we want to focus on the importance of the provision of non-financial services (NFS) as a fundamental part of its support to the clients. The slogan for this campaign is: Creating opportunities beyond microcredit

Learn more about Brussels-based event on 27th October

The main outputs from the Brussels-based event are available here

2nd EMD - 27 October


Your video contributions should support this message with undefeatable facts and figures. For more detailed information, please see the Call for submission.

Download the communication kit here.

MFC and EMN work together on promoting this campaign so if you are interested to join the campaign, please contact any of the network contact persons. On the MFC side, the contact person is Liliya Peskova . On the EMN side the contact person for the campaign is Raquel Bujaldon.

Please inform us who will be the main contact point in your organisation for this event, so we can better target our communications to this effect.

In partnership with


With the support of

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With financial support from

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