Join the SIFTA Webinar: Building the visibility of the Social Finance sector – #EMD2022, Erste Group Campaign case study

13 October 2022

11:00 - 13:00


Social Finance is an important tool for addressing finance gaps for inclusive entrepreneurship. MFC network members: MFIs, Social Investors, Ethical/Social Banks, National Associations and Social Enterprise Financial Organisations work with entrepreneurs from excluded groups, they act in the market failure area and provide access to capital to people that cannot access the mainstream financial system. The sector is promoting financial inclusion of vulnerable groups, supporting their entrepreneurial ambitions and generating employment.

In this webinar we will present to you useful data, proofs and case studies of successful microfinance clients as well as advise you on how to shape the campaign in order to help your organization and our sector as a whole to stand out in genuine, human, and authentic ways. We will also share with you information about the course of 8th European Microfinance Day and how to use this opportunity to leverage your communication.

Attendance for all webinars in the series is free of charge. The session targets primarily microfinance institutions (MFIs) and social enterprise finance providers (SEFP), including greenfield MFIs, banks, guarantee granting entities, fintech, NGOs, private and public investment funds, impact investors, incubators, accelerators, regulators or other institutions and individuals working in the microfinance and social entrepreneurship sectors in Europe.

Our Experts

Social Banking & Impact Measurement and Management Specialist, Erste Group

Nicole Feliciani works for Erste Group in the Social Banking Department since 2017.
She is responsible of the impact assessment and management of the Erste Social Banking financial and non-financial services in Central and Eastern Europe.
Moreover, she is in charge of organizing the marketing and communication activities to support and promote Social Banking business.

Communications Manager, Microfinance Centre

Agnieszka is a marketing professional with over 15 years of experience in marketing strategy, communication, PR, brand management and sales support. She has joined Microfinance Centre in 2022. She is in charge of all the communications-related activities, both external and internal, she is also responsible for creating and implementing the overall communications strategy for MFC. Previously Agnieszka worked in the financial sector (insurance and investment funds) and property management industry.

Our partners