COVID-19 Pandemic Announcement – MFC Working On-line to Support Members

Taking into account the current pandemic of coronavirus and the epidemic state introduced by Polish authorities, MFC Team is now working remotely. Any kind of activities planned in the field are postponed or moved on-line, at least those planned until the end of March.

We are now organizing ourselves to support our Members and the microfinance sector. A series of webinars will be organized, offering you the recommended strategies to cope with the pandemic effects on MFI’s businesses.

That is why we are opening a call for MFIs who want to share their experiences about the actions they have undertaken to minimize the losses by e.g. introducing digital solutions. We are looking forward to hearing your ideas on how to protect your employees and clients. You want to share your experiences and good practices with others?

Contact Kinga Dąbrowska at

Take care of yourselves!

This communication activity has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further information please consult:
The information contained in this communication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.