About Us

The Microfinance Centre is a leading international social finance network that champions fairness, inclusion, equality and sustainable service. We unite over 140 organisations across 36 countries of Europe and Central Asia, who together deliver responsible microfinance services to more than 2,000,000 low-income clients.

We are a community of social finance network

Our mision

Empower people and communities through sustainable social finance. ​

Our mission is to empower people and communities through sustainable social finance. ​

Our Vision

A financial system that works for people, communities and the planet in a fair, responsible and sustainable way.

Together with our members – microfinance and social finance providers, financial cooperative systems, social finance banks, impact investors, academic institutions, national and international support organizations (e.g consultanties, IT/digital solutions providers) and national networks – we seek to make financial services work effectively for people, communities and the Earth by embracing sustainability good practices and standards, sharing knowledge, advocacy and networking in the region of Europe and Central Asia.

MFC Council & Team

MFC Council currently consists of five Directors, selected through a nomination process involving MFC member organizations. Read more about how the Board is composed and managed in our Association Principles.

Archil Bakuradze

Archil Bakuradze

MFC Council Chair

Chair of Supervisory Board at JSC MFO Crystal

Archil Bakuradze – MFC Council Chair

Chair of Supervisory Board at JSC MFO Crystal

Archil served as Chairman of the Georgian Microfinance Association and is currently a member of its board. He is a Chairman of the Board of Crystal Fund and serves on the Boards of several non-profit organisations. Through the Chevening Scholarship, from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Archil received an MBA from Lancaster University’s Management School (2004). He is a fellow of the John Smith Trust (2000) and recipient of the international van Heuven Goedhart award from the Dutch Refugee Foundation, Stichting Vluchteling (2003).

Gabriele Giuglietti

Gabriele Giuglietti

MFC Council Vice Chair

Director in Charge of International Development Activities of Banca Etica, President of Cresud

Gabriele Giuglietti – MFC Council Vice Chair

Director in Charge of International Development Activities of Banca Etica, President of Cresud

Gabriele began his banking career at “Credito Italiano” in 1990 and joined Banca Popolare Etica in 1998 where he held a number of positions including: deputy Managing Director from October 1998 to 2011 , Director of Sales and Institutional Affairs from 2011 to May 2013, Director of Credit, Institutional and International Affairs since 2013, now is in charge of the international development activities of Banca Etica. Appointed Officer of the Italian Republic in 2000 as among the founders of Banca Etica by the Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi , he is currently President of Cresud (the Banca Etica’s Group financial tool dedicated to microfinance and fairtrade ). He served as a member of the Board of Etica SGR (Banca Etica Group Investment Company) from 2002 to 2014 and as a member of Libera Terra Mediterraneo (cooperatives working on the grounds confiscated to mafia) until 2020. Board member of Coopest and Coopmed. Married, three sons, his wife Elisabetta Viscardi is a pediatric oncologist at Padova General Hospital and still shares with Gabriele a long term social experience in the Italian Catholic Scout Movement (Agesci).

Elma Zukić

Elma Zukić

MFC Council Chair of Audit and Finance Comittee

President of the Association of Microfinance Institutions in B&H – AMFI

Elma Zukić – MFC Council Chair of Audit and Finance Comittee

President of the Association of Microfinance Institutions in B&H – AMFI

Elma Zukić has more than 22 years of experience in financial sector, and last 2 years and half in microfinance sector.

Most of her working experience is with international banks. She was also Executive Director – Board Member of one domestic Bank. She was part of the team responsible for crisis management for restructuring of the Bank,running several departments : Retail, Corporate, IT, Treasury, HR, Legal, Operations, Marketing. Furthermore, he is a recognized expert in crisis management.

Since February 2019, she is the president of the Association of Microfinance Institutions in B&H. She have accepted this responsible position with all enthusiasm and energy and readiness to represent the common interests of MCOs in front of international institutions, regulatory and executive bodies. She is in the process of making PhD thesis with a focus on management and organization. She continuously working on professional development and additional education. In free time she doing charity work in the horse club ‘Spirit’.

Sami Lahoud

Sami Lahoud

MFC Council Member

Sami Lahoud, is the co-founder and CEO of EMpact, a newly created incubator and accelerator of startups in frontier markets

Sami Lahoud – MFC Council Member

Sami Lahoud, is the co-founder and CEO of EMpact, a newly created incubator and accelerator of startups in frontier markets, including in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

He is a seasoned professional with a multi-disciplinary, global career in multiple industries, with concentration in payments over the past 15 years. He just concluded a 10-year career with Mastercard in various senior leadership roles including the position of Senior Vice President for Global Partnerships and Infrastructure. In the last few years, Sami has been focused on modernizing the microfinance industry through digital transformation. Within this capacity, he has been assisting MFC and its Members in the process of connecting to the Mastercard payments network and other digital solutions. More information about Sami can be found at http://www.linkedin.com/in/samilahoud.

Martina Grigorova

Martina Grigorova

MFC Council Member

Is a seasoned microfinance professional and the leader of the biggest private MFI in Bulgaria – SIS Credit

Martina Grigorova – MFC Council Member

Martina Grigorova, who is a seasoned microfinance professional and the leader of the biggest private MFI in Bulgaria – SIS Credit.

She has been actively involved in the works of the EU level networks both MFC and EMN supporting various strategic topics for microfinance development like social performance management standards mainstreaming, refugee financial inclusion and advocacy towards the EU institutions. Currently, she serves on the MFC Advisors’ Board to the EU Program. More information about Martina can be found at https://www.linkedin.com/in/martina-grigorova-3b6b626b/.

Perlat Sulaj

Perlat Sulaj

MFC Council Member

Mr. Sulaj is currently CEO of the Savings and Credit Association “FED invest”, Albania.

Perlat Sulaj – MFC Council Member

Mr. Sulaj is currently CEO of the Savings and Credit Association “FED invest”, Albania. Before being promoted to this position, he served as the Chief Risk Officer of FED invest. FED invest is the first pioneering microfinance institution established in Albania as a spin-off of a pilot World Bank initiative in 1992. FED invest represents a financial cooperative organization with more than 75 thousand members served through 64 branches across the country. FED invest members include farmers, small entrepreneurs, rural & urban families excluded from financial services. As a leader in providing affordable financial solutions to rural population, FED invest
has a direct impact on the socio-economic development of ALbania, with over 170 thousand loans and more thatn a billion euros injected in the economy throught its 30 years of existence.

Mr. Sulaj has gained a rich and versatile experience in microfinance for about 25 years, holding several Senior Management positions including those as Director of
Operations, Director of Business Development, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Risk Officer at NOA, Albania (also Opportunity Albania, Partneri Shqiptar neMikrokredi). He has walked with organizations that grow from scratch to becoming microfinance formal financial institutions and banks. Additionally, he has served in the capacities of Board Member and consultant for different financial companies, being instrumental in spearheading and implementing several developmental and microfinance activities. He has also led and participated in due diligence for other financial companies. Mr. Sulaj’s areas of expertise encompass financial and risk management, organizational development, microfinance and SME credit management, product development, and relationship management with donors and lenders. He holds an MBA from the University of Nebraska and a graduate degree in Mathematics from University of Tirana. He has attended several professional training programs and qualifications with esteemed international financial and educational institutions. He lives in Tirana, Albania. He is married and has 3 children.

Armen Gabrielyan

Armen Gabrielyan

MFC Council Member

Armen Gabrielyan is the CEO and President of Farm Credit Armenia and Chairman of the Union of Credit Organisations of the Republic of Armenia.

Armen Gabrielyan – MFC Council Member

Armen Gabrielyan is the CEO/President of Farm Credit Armenia and Chairman of the Union of Credit Organisations of the Republic of Armenia.  Gabrielyan’s extensive experience in microfinance and agricultural finance is truly remarkable. He has successfully built a flagship financial cooperative, Farm Credit Armenia, which is highly regarded among lenders and investors. Under his leadership, Farm Credit Armenia has become an exemplary social finance organization, and Gabrielyan’s vision and strategic thinking have significantly contributed to the institution’s success.

Alisher Akbaraliev

Alisher Akbaraliev

Advisor to the Supervisory Board of the MFC on CAC issues

Alisher Akbaraliev heads the national association of microfinance organizations and for more than 10 years has been representing the interests of the microfinance market in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Alisher Akbaraliev  – Advisor to the Supervisory Board of the MFC

Alisher Akbaraliev represents the interests of the microfinance sector in Central Asian countries (CAC) as an Advisor to the Supervisory Board of the MFC on CAC issues. Before this, Alisher headed the Corporate Governance Committee of the said Supervisory Board since 2018.

Currently, Alisher Akbaraliev heads the national association of microfinance organizations and for more than 10 years has been representing the interests of the microfinance market in the Kyrgyz Republic. Members of the said national Association provide access to finance to more than 80% of the sector’s clients, ensuring the development of entrepreneurship, in particular the development of women’s entrepreneurship (more than 50% are represented by women), youth, as well as green finance with the participation of international partners.

Experience with international organizations such as Oikocredit, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank allowed Alisher to provide initiative and leadership in the sector and organize the Regional Summit of MFOs of Central Asian countries with the participation of colleagues from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

Alisher Akbaraliev is a certified master trainer in financial literacy, microfinance, and ESG.

Our Team

Katarzyna Pawlak

Katarzyna Pawlak


Contact: kasia[at]mfc.org.pl

Katarzyna Pawlak – CEO
Contact: kasia[at]mfc.org.pl

Katarzyna Pawlak, Microfinance Centre’s CEO has been serving on the Management Board of the MFC. She is an expert at GECES – Expert Group on Social Economy at the European Commission. Since 2014, she oversees the Centre’s strategic partnership with the DG EMPL at the European Commission. In the years 2005-2014, she served on the Board of Social Performance Task Force, USA and took an active role in developing global microfinance sector standards (Universal Standards for Social Performance Management). She also served on the Management Committee of European Financial Inclusion Network based in Brussels (2016-2018) and the Board of Partner Microcredit Foundation from Bosnia and Herzegovina (2006-2012). In 2009-2017, she was leading the SP Fund – a global USD 1,2 million fund financed by the Ford Foundation supporting over 50 microfinance associations and 500 microfinance institutions across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America to mainstream the responsible finance standards locally. She was chosen “Woman of the Year 2008″ by the international organization Women Advancing Microfinance. She graduated with honors from Warsaw School of Economics and holds Canadian Executive MBA degree from the University of Quebec at Montreal/Warsaw School of Economics. In her free time, she is actively supporting local cooperatives and collectives based in Warsaw engaged in inclusive arts and culture activities as well as fair alternative food distribution.

Ewa Bańkowska

Ewa Bańkowska

Deputy Director

Contact: ewa[at]mfc.org.pl

Ewa Bańkowska – Deputy Director
Contact: ewa[at]mfc.org.pl

Ewa has been with MFC since October 2005. She has been managing MFC projects and developing content in various topics of responsible finance: social performance management, client protection, financial health. She has been supporting MFIs in marketing research, institutional assessments, product development. She leads MFC initiatives for capacity building in digitalization of MFIs. With a background in market research, her previous professional experience covered marketing research in the banking sector and market analysis for the B2B service global alliance. Ewa holds an MSc in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems from Warsaw School of Economics and a postgraduate diploma from Warsaw University in psychology of consumer’s behaviour.

Justyna Pytkowska

Justyna Pytkowska

Research, Program Manager

Contact: justyna[at]mfc.org.pl

Justyna Pytkowska -Research, Program Manager
Contact: justyna[at]mfc.org.pl

Justyna manages research projects and is the author of the annual publication on the state of microfinance industry in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. She also conducts market research studies in the demand for microfinance products (credit, savings, microinsurance), access to finance and the use of financial services, indebtedness, using a variety of research techniques (focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, questionnaire-based surveys). She has 20 years experience working in development in Eastern European countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States and 12 years experience in conducting microfinance research. This includes hands-on experience in conducting qualitative research and quantitative data analysis using statistical software, writing and publishing articles on the state of microfinance in the region.

Pavol Kapsdorfer

Pavol Kapsdorfer

Network and Partnership Manager

Contact: pavol[at]mfc.org.pl

Pavol Kapsdorfer – Network and Partnership Manager
Contact: pavol[at]mfc.org.pl

Pavol has over 20 years of experience in development finance/banking; relationship management; assessment of SMEs and finance institutions and their ESG impact; project coordination, capacity building and consultancy. Major part of his career he spent with socially responsible investor Oikocredit International. He was responsible for the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (portfolio of approx. EUR 100 mil.), developing new markets and business relationships with financial intermediaries and SMEs. Pavol will support existing and encourage new partnerships; coordinate initiatives, projects and capacity building services in line with MFC strategy.

Beata Biela

Beata Biela

Advocacy Manager

Contact: beata[at]mfc.org.pl

Beata Biela – Advocacy Manager

Contact: beata[at]mfc.org.pl

Beata has professional experience both in social economy sector and in business entities. She worked in TISE within social economy division both in granting loans to social economy entities and in Social Venture Capital. Before that she worked in Caritas Somalia in Africa, at Finance Commission of Caritas Internationalis in Rome, PAH. In the past, she worked in business entities like PKN Orlen (capital investments), PKP (capital group controlling), Pfeifer&Langen – previously BSO Polska (controlling and business development), Ernst&Young (due diligence, corporate finance, audit). She graduated from Warsaw School of Economics in the line of Finance and Banking as well as Management and Marketing. She also completed postgraduate studies of Geopolitics and Geostrategy, Global Development, MBA. She is a CFA charterholder. Currently she is pursuing postgraduate studies of Geoeconomy.

Maria Salamon

Maria Salamon

Project Coordinator

Contact: maria[at]mfc.org.pl

Maria Salamon – Project Coordinator

Contact: maria[at]mfc.org.pl

Maria has been with MFC for over a year now, gaining her professional skills in Communication and Project Coordination. Currently she is responsible for coordination of Transform Together Fund Project (TTF). Previously to working at MFC, Maria was actively engaged in Warsaw University Students’ Coucil,  AEGEE – European Student’s Association, and oikos International (students’ community for sustainable development), organizing various events and student exchanges.

Joanna Żukowska

Joanna Żukowska

Projects Coordinator

Contact: joanna.zukowska[at]mfc.org.pl

Joanna Żukowska – Projects Coordinator

Contact: joanna.zukowska[at]mfc.org.pl

Joanna has joined Microfinance Centre in the end of May 2022. She is the digital and business development expert, the creator and promoter of modern education. Previously she has worked in non-governmental organizations focusing on education projects and empowering women projects. She was the pioneer and leader, and created the biggest entity on the Polish digital press distribution market. Joanna has 20 years of experience working in creating and development start-ups. She graduated from Warsaw School of Economics, Foreign Trade Faculty. She holds the postgraduate diplomas from Warsaw University in European Integration and from University of Humanities and Economics in education management and in pedagogics.

Joanna Sosnowska-Orynska

Joanna Sosnowska-Orynska

Communications Coordinator

Contact: joanna.sosnowska[at]mfc.org.pl

Joanna SosnowskaOrynska  – Communications Coordinator

Contact: joanna.sosnowska[at]mfc.org.pl


Joanna has over 15 years of experience in delivering communication strategies and marketing campaigns across governmental and non-governmental organizations, PR agencies, state-owned companies, and small and medium enterprises. She has strong organizational skills, having managed high-level UK diplomatic visits to Poland and co-organized large-scale projects, including the UK Delegation’s participation in the NATO Summit in Warsaw, the first-ever Polish-British Belvedere Forum in Warsaw, and the visit of TRH the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Poland.


At MFC, Joanna is responsible for internal and external communication and creating, delivering, and evaluating marketing and communication strategies.


In her free time, Joanna enjoys walking with her adopted mongrel – Dodo, visiting galleries and museums, and is involved in social activities focused on protecting the climate and wild nature. She is also a member of the food cooperative ‘Dobrze’ in Warsaw.

Marcin Sawicki

Marcin Sawicki

Finance and Administration Coordinator

Contact: marcin[at]mfc.org.pl

Marcin Sawicki – Finance and Administration Coordinator

Contact: marcin[at]mfc.org.pl

Marcin is taking care of Microfinance Centre’s finance and administration since August 2020. He is responsible for general budgeting in the organization and HR-related services for the MFC Team. Audits, grant financial reporting and invoicing are also his areas of operations. Prior to joining MFC, Marcin worked as a lead financial planner – using SAP and other modelling tools he was planning and forecasting budgetary operations. He’s a graduate in Finance and Banking of Warsaw School of Economics, he also studied in Vienna. One of his biggest hobbies is traveling.

Grzegorz Galusek

Grzegorz Galusek

In recognition for 22 years service in MFC Management Board

Grzegorz Galusek

In recognition for 22 years service in MFC Management Board

It is a great honor for the MFC to give an appreciation for Grzegorz for his contribution to MFC for over 22 years of its development as a leading microfinance network. Grzegorz started to work for MFC in 1999 and has been an outstanding CEO all these years. Step by step he has managed to grow MFC from first obtaining the status of a CGAP/World Bank Training hub for microfinance, later together with the team he successfully implemented the policy agenda for microfinance in a cooperation with the Soros Foundation, GIZ and CGAP. One of his great successes is the introduction of the customer protection standards, promoting customer protection certification globally. Over those years Grzegorz has initiated the MFC annual conference as the flagship service of the MFC, which has continued over the years and is recognized as one of the best global networking events. He has helped to establish the strategic partnership with members of MFC, international donors and global financial institutions. He has always been committed to the social impact of the sector and its focus on the final beneficiary in microfinance. His strong leadership has led MFC to adopt social finance principles and focus on the benefits of the final client as the DNA of the organization. He has brought significant value into each and every achievement of the MFC.

 Oliwia Zaleska

Oliwia Zaleska

Project Assistant

Contact: oliwia.zalewska[at]mfc.org.pl

Oliwia Zaleska

Contact: oliwia.zalewska[at]mfc.org.pl

Monika has extensive experience in administrative and project support roles, particularly in coordinating events, managing documentation, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Her responsibilities includes organizing training events, liaising with trainers and experts, and maintaining accurate financial and operational records. Additionally, she has a proven track record in client communication and onboarding new employees.

Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements

We believe in being open about what we do. Check out all our reports and financial statements by clicking here.

Partners & Supporters

Our work is possible thanks to the generous support of the following donors

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